PC911 > Tips & Tweaks > Scripts: Index |
Note: Some of the scripts available in this section require the IE4 shell desktop update in order to function as intended. By default this feature is part of Windows 98 and Windows 2000 as well as Windows ME. Please note that even if you are using Windows 95 or NT4 without the desktop update, these scripts cannot cause harm, they will just display an error message and then quit. If you find one of our scripts useful, please check back from time to time as we will update them as we develop ways to improve their functionality and reliability.
Restore The "Attributes" View in Explorer in Win98SE
If your Attributes column is gone from Windows Explorer after upgrading to Win98 then read this.
Launch Win9x Programs With a Typed Command Done The Easy Way
Use this script to customize Windows to launch any program quickly, with just a couple of key strokes.
Use This Program to Fix Picture Preview in Explorer
Use an INF file to fix this very common problem.
Create Custom Folders With a Custom Icon
This custom program creates a folder and allows you to assign any icon to the new folder.
Microsoft Character Map Display Tool
Use this little program for a much more readable display of symbol characters than the Microsoft Character map.
Use Extension Analyzer to Check File Associations And More
A real time saver if you don't remember certain associations or if you keep extensions hidden.
Re-stretch Your Wallpaper
Have you lost the ability to stretch your wallpaper? We can fix that with a couple of clicks!
The Easy Way to Access Your Device Manager in Win9x
Do you find yourself delving into the Control Panel's System applet to fiddle with your Device Manager often? Check this out.
Change The Default Setting For Choosing An Application For "Unknown File Type"
This is an important preventative measure you can take to reduce the chance of making erroneous file associations.
What Is Your Computer's Name?
This simple little script will tell you your computer's name on the network and the user's domain.
Test Your E-mail Defenses Against Viruses
Wouldn't it be nice to know for certain that your protection is working?
Win95 Users Can Back Up And Restore Their Registry With Win98 Ease
One of the advantages of Windows 98 over Windows 95 is the ease with which you can back up and then restore your Registry.
Shortcut Builder Will Create Shortcuts To All Files of a Specified Type
Create a folder with shortcuts to all files of a given type on your hard drive, regardless of their location.
Create Shortcuts To All Your Files On Removable Media
If you've been burning CDs with lots of files in complex directory structures, this script is just what you need to get organized.
Enumerate Folder Contents
This dandy little script adds a new command to your right-click context menu for folders.
Print Out A Listing Of Directories And Files Within
Print out the directory tree of your choice with all file extensions and file attributes.
Launch Your Windows Programs With A Typed Command! The WinKey+R Tweak Revisited
This dandy tweak is so useful we couldn't help ourselves. Here it is again for your computing pleasure.
Edit Out Your Bloopers From The WinKey+R Run List
If you end up with mistyped information in your Run list, this is the easy way to remove them.
A Macro To Make Fractions In Microsoft Word All Look The Same
Make your Word documents look professional by making all fractions look like the standard pre formatted ones.
Move Or Copy Any File Or Folder Anywhere On Your Hard Drive With A Right Click
Microsoft has the Send To Any Folder Power Toy, but we thought we would come up with a solution of our own instead.
Send A Shortcut For Any File Anywhere
This is a simple script which will allow you to use the SendTo menu to send a shortcut to a file or folder anywhere on your system.
Spell Check Any Text Which You Can Highlight And Copy
Spell.vbs uses Microsoft Word's powerful spell checker utility to check any text you've copied to the clipboard.
Spell Check Text In Internet Explorer 5.x
IE Context Menu Speller allows you to simply highlight and then right-click text to spell check it.
Internet Explorer 5.x Text Archiver
IE Text Archiver enables you to highlight text on a web page viewed with Internet Explorer 5 or higher and save the highlighted text with a simple right-click to a text file in a specified folder on your local hard drive.