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Spell Check Any Text Which You Can Highlight And Copy
This script uses Microsoft Word's powerful spell checker utility to check any text you've copied to the clipboard. The beauty of this script is its simplicity. Simply highlight any text you wish to check and press Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard. Then, just click the shortcut to the script on your Quick Launch bar or use the keyboard shortcut provided by the installer. The script will check the text for errors and allow you to correct them. You can then simply paste the now corrected contents of the clipboard back into your document or web dialog box; anywhere you can edit text can be spell checked with this script. This is how to use this script:
Spell Check Text In Internet Explorer 5.x
This script is designed to be used exclusively with Internet Explorer 5.x by adding an item called Spelling to your right-click context menu. While this program uses the same spell-check mechanism of the Spell.vbs program available immediately above, it neither requires spell.vbs to be installed or interferes with it; it is an adjunct. The user may choose to install one or the other or both. But you can use both. Read on and you'll see why.
As with Spell.vbs above, this script also requires that Microsoft Word and version 5.1 of the Windows Scripting Host be installed. Once those two criteria are met though, installing and using this program is extremely simple and easy. Steve Yandl and the rest of the PC911 team have developed a tool that you'll soon find indispensable.
Installation and Use Instructions: Click here and download the IE Context Menu Speller to a temporary directory in the same partition on which your Windows installation resides. Unzip the contents of the zip file into this same directory. Double click Install_Spell_It.vbs to install the program. When you restart Internet Explorer you'll find a new item in your right-click context menu. Highlight any text and then right-click it. Select Spelling from the context menu. The program will launch your Microsoft Word's spell checker utility allowing you to make corrections to the text.
While you may spell check any text, this program is most useful when correcting editable text in applications such as a forum post text field. When you're done, simply press Ctrl+V to paste the corrected text from the clipboard, where the program stores it, into your editable field.
Simplicity: The advantage of this script over the version listed immediately above on this page, is that you needn't copy the text you wish to check to the clipboard before you check it. You simply highlight the text with your cursor and right-click it. I find this program very easy to use in Internet Explorer, but I still like to have the ability to check spelling in Notepad and other text editors that lack a spell checker, so both of these utilities come in handy in their own way.
Wrap Up: Once the installation is complete, you may delete the temporary directory containing the installation files, however, it might be prudent to save them along with the ReadMe file for future reference. This script can be uninstalled in the normal manner via the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.
· This script was last updated on December 4th, 2000
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